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tv   CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow  CNN  February 13, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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all right. top of 9 hour. 3:00 p.m. eastern. i'm poppy harlow in new york. thank you for joining me. this is where we began. battleground, south carolina. the stay with a near perfect record for perking the republican party's eventful nominee. a major debate tonight there. the stakes could not be higher. just six republican candidates on the stage tonight with donald trump and ted cruz at the center of what is sure to be a political slugfest. one that will drag out for another seven days until south carolina voters go to the polls as one cnn contributor put it, this is "southern charm with elbows." let's talk it all over with our ryan nobles in greenville, south
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carolina. the site of the debate tonight and our cnn politics reporter. ryan, begin with you. you're there, on the ground, you hear what people are saying. when you look at the history of politics and campaigns in south carolina, it's certainly not all niceties. right? this is tough political, a tough political landscape, i would say? a lot of sharp elbows. we're seeing that tonight, right, leading into the debate? >> we're definitely seeing that. in the candidates when they talk to each other, in the campaign ads flooding television stations across south carolina. you have to play tough in south carolina if you want to be successful and we're particularly seeing that in the battle between ted cruz and donald trump. they're in first and second place here in south carolina and they need to make a statement to the south carolina voters going into the primary which takes place a week from today. >> there's more than a little irony in donald accusing anyone of being nasty. given the amazing torrent of
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insults and obscenityties and vulgarities that come out of his mouth. >> reporter: basically what we see happening there, he said/he said before donald trump and ted cruz, both accusing the other are being too negative. one thing to keep in mind, even though they're not afraid to attack each other on the campaign trail, face-to-face on the stage, play nice. perhaps that changes tonight. >> interesting, because donald trump's campaign manager said we're going to make this a positive campaign. right? then trump tweeted yesterday he might have to sue ted cruz for where he was born. >> reporter: yeah. that's just adding to the dynamic and the tension here tonight. you know, at one point trump says he wants to run a positive campaign. said during a stump speech recently he was going to stop using vulgarities and saying bad words so to speak on the
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campaign trail and a few minutes later happy to attack jeb bush in the amount of negative money he's putting in the race in south carolina. the game plan for trump generally is, if someone comes after him, he responds. how he handles debates for the most part. someone comes after him early, don't be surprised if he returns fire. >> no question. before i let you go. jeb bush, john kasich, the only two to hit the trail ahead of the debate tonight? >> reporter: right. john kasich held a rally at a barbecue joint here in the greenville area. a pretty big kraut, and jeb bush did retail politics, at a diner talking to voters there. and he talked about his debate strategy. listen to what jeb bush had to say. >> no, just trying to butt in when i have a chance, when i have something to say that's important. try to remember i'm speaking to ar audience of whatever it is, 10 million, 15 million rather than just the crowd there. answer the questions respectfully but say what's important to say about the
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future of the country. >> reporter: and one other quick note, we saw dr. ben carson in sixth place in the polls here and is prepared to interrupt debate moderators if he feels he's not getting enough attention on the debate stage. we'll see if we see more of a feisty ben carson here in greenville tonight. >> maybe we will. stay with me. bringing in a politics reporter. thanks for being with us as well. three major issues to watch for in the debate. you wrote about them on immigration, the critical evangelical vote again in south carolina and veterans, a major population base in south carolina. when you look at immigration, we've seen the candidates try very hard to outdo each other on sort of who's more hard line? who was part of the gang of eight? who is not? who's for amnesty, who's not and it gets muddied and you see them say, i did say that, i did say that. bottom line when it comes down to the voter, m.j., how critical
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really is immigration in south carolina as a key voting issue? >> reporter: well what we're seeing here is a handful of republican candidates really trying to grab the mantle of being the most conservative candidate in the gop field. >> right rt you ask donald trump and he will gladly tell you i am the reason all candidates are talking about the issue of immigration. remember, hiss is a platform base and building a wall along the southern border, deporting people who are undocumented, not letting in refugees from the middle east, and i think a lot of the candidates who are fighting against donald trump as he has really dominated this race, they have really had to contend with that, and we are seeing a couple of the other candidates, like ted cruz, marco rubio, all trying to say, look, i am also very conservative, when it comes to the issue of immigration and i think it's hard to overstate how important the issue of national security has suddenly become, in the aftermath of the paris attacks, what happened in san bernardino and a lot of people, you talk to
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people at campaign rallies, they will say, the country doesn't feel safe and we want someone who is going to be tough are on these issues. >> sure. i mean, and we'll get to national security any a minute, but it is important to point out, unlike senator ted cruz or senator marco rubio, donald trump being not from the political sphere has not had to cast a vote either way or had to try to reach consensus in washington like they have. before on immigration. let's talk about national security, talking about it in a context of a quote/unquote military focused state for many in south carolina. you have a large military personnel base. you have a lot of veterans. you're talking about a state that elected -- voted for both, both former president bushs in the primaries there previously, and the question is, how much does that help jeb bush? >> reporter: yeah. i mean, there is a huge veterans and military community here in the state, and that issue and the issues important to those communities are going to be critical, and we can expect them
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to be really front stage at the -- the debate tonight. jeb bush, he is bringing w. bush, his brother, on to the campaign trail on monday. he is someone that is very popular among republicans. still, even though earlier in the campaign you remember very well, jeb bush struggled to answer questions about the iraq war and his brother's position and his actions towards the war, and you know, someone like john kasich, it's interesting. he won new hampshire budget i think he's coming to south carolina knowing that because of his past actions on closing down military facilities, he gets that it's an uphill climb for limb him in a state where those issues are critically important. eight military bases in this state and that community is very, very influential. >> also influential, rhine, the evangelical vote? like iowa, but different. you have about half of the gop primary voters considering themselves to be evangelicals, but i thought it was interesting ahead of the republican party in
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south carolina came out and said, don't group them all together. the evangelical in our state differ from the north to the southern part of the, the low country they call it. who does that help? >> reporter: well, you have to think that ted cruz is the candidate among all of them whose ideological views fit in best with the conservative voters here in south carolina prp the questi. the question, can he reach them with that message? donald trump sucked up a lot of oxygen with folks on that side. obviously big endorsements from evangelical leaders. you see someone like marco rubio reaching out to that group as well. we were at one of the largest christian schools in the state on thursday, and he talked very passionately about how god will inform his presidency, and how his faith is an important part of his politics. every one of these candidates are making sure that these conservative voters know they are with them on the key issues and they can feel comfortable casting a ballot for them next
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saturday. >> and m.j., fascinating about south carolina and a lot of conservatives look at this at a better tell for them, of who could be their nominee, then iowa or new hampshire. right? south carolina residents have gotten it right in the primary on the republican side every single time since 1980, with the exception of 2012 when gingrich won. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. and something that south carolinian voters take a lot of pride in. you know? people in iowa, people in new hampshire will say, look, we're first, and so that's a very important thing, but you come to south carolina and they will tell you, look, iowa and new hampshire may come before us, but we are the state that is best at predicting who the eventual gop nominee is going to be and i think if you're marco rubio or jeb bush, you're going to keep that in mind, you come to this state and realize if you win this state and history shows i have a very good chance of actually becoming the nominee, and you know, facing off against whoever the democratic nominee will be in november.
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>> we'll see what happens tonight on the debate stage. big debate a few hours away. thank you both very much, tune in here to cnn right after the debate. postdebate coverage, our very own erin burkett hosting along with the best team in television immediately after the debate. tomorrow on "state of the union," jeb bush and marco rubio both friends of my co-worker jake tapper, only on cnn. coming up ahead this hour, a top russian official, a former president, medvedev saying may be in a new cold war, his words, and placing the blame squarely on the west. also ahead, former president george w. bush about to hit the trail for his brother in south carolina. could the former president really shake up this race and help boost jeb bush to the top? is that possible? and pope francis on a major trip in motion comexico, a mess and solidarity.
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how he is hoping to reach the drug cartel and also what he told our reporter. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ those who define sophistication stand out. those who dare to redefine it stand apart. the all-new lexus rx and rx hybrid. never has luxury been this expressive. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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strong words today from russia's prime minister speaking at the munich security conference. dmitri medvedev described this relationship as a new cold war. >> -- the policy with russia remains unfriendly and opaque, one could go as far to say we've slid back into a new cold war. >> critical four words. "a new cold war." nic robertson live in munich, where the international support group met this week. united states secretary of state john kerry is there meeting on the sidelines with lavrov. reaction from one of the top military commanders to what
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medvedev said. >> isn't this by definition the cold war? arms buildup? >> well, they are entitled to their understanding of this and their description's this. we in nato do not want to see a cold war. we do not talk about it. it is not what we want to happen or anticipate happening. we are a defensive alliance who are arraying ourselves to face a challenge that we sigh, and that challenge is a nation that once again has decided that it will use force to change internationally recognized borders. so we take those appropriate accesses to be able to assure, defend and deter. >> nic, you did the interview. walk me through that. what does he mean? what is his stance? >> reporter: what he's saying is, look, if medvedev is saying that nato is being unfriendly and opaque, how can it be? when nato does military
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exercises everything is put online. it's trying to be friendly to russia, you know, using russia as a supply route to get supplies through to nato troops, u.s. forces inside afghanistan. some of those run through russia. look, trying to be friendly but not seeing it from the other side. look, it's russia breaking international laws, going, crossing international borders into ukraine, annexing crimea. trying not just to rewrite the international rule book but create a whole new said of rules and pointed to missile defense systems russia has so-called a-2 ad systems, anti-access aerial denial systems. they target and can target any threat from the air, coming from sea, coming from the land. nato is saying russia building up clusters of these all across, all down the length of the border between russia or russian
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interests and nato, to leningrad in the north, st. petersburg, crimea and now in northern syria. complex, sophisticated missile systems that look right at nato, turkey, in the south. this is a concern. so while he says we don't see it as a cold war, it appears on the other side that russia looks at europe and that's what it thinks it sees, and it's making those responses itself, poppy. >> all right. nic robertson, thank you, from munich. appreciate it. coming up next, politics. there you see it. two former presidents, one soon former, to be former president. we'll talk about bush xliii, about to make his campaign debut for his brother, but he is not the only one having an impact on this 2016 race. the legacies of president obama and former president clinton also in the mix. we will discuss with a
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president's historian next. i'm there for bessie. i'm there for ray. ted loved baseball. dr. phil likes to watch football. renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. rosie's my best friend. evelyn likes to dance. harriett wants her fried shrimp as well. alice anne likes vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles. they give me so much back. i can't even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me.
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former president george w. bush hitting the campaign trail making his debut, a big debut in support of his brother jeb, taking place on monday in south carolina. it is the first time the two brothers have publicly
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campaigned together this entire season. after coming in fourth in new hampshire this week, it is a very critical week ahead for jeb bush ahead of the south carolina primary. athena jeans looks at how big of a boost this could be. >> reporter: hi, poppy. george w. bush has been largely absent from politics since leaving the white house. he's helped raise money for his brother's campaign this election season, but other than that remained off the political stage. well, that's all changing on monday. >> i know jeb. >> reporter: george w. bush is back. >> experience and judgment count in the oval office. jeb bush is a leader who will keep our country safe. >> he respects the military. he honors their families. >> reporter: and jeb bush couldn't be happier about it. >> he's the last republican that was president. he is the most popular republican alive. >> i'm a proud brother of george w. bush. >> reporter: bush, whose campaign logo doesn't even include his famous last name,
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and who began his one stressing he would be his "own man" embracing his family with each passing day. >> i'm jeb, exclamation point, proud to be a bush. >> reporter: his brothers campaigning for the first time monday. until now, w. has been helping out behind the scenes. >> the first time he's really kind of stepped out in the political realm since he was president. it will be really interesting what he has to say. >> reporter: it was once the younger bush said to have a head for politics but his older brother beat him there, winning a governorship first and later the white house. >> i george walker bush to solemnly swear. >> reporter: eight years of which jeb bush said he never disagreed with his brother on policy. not once calmed up and said don't do that? >> i'm not going to start now. til death do us start. >> and your brother's administration gave us barack
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obama because it was such a disaster those last three months that abraham lincoln couldn't have been elected. >> you know what? as it relates to my brother, one thing i know for sure. he kept us safe. >> reporter: donald trump repeatedly bashed the elder bush's decision to go to war in iraq. >> and i see he's bringing his brother in now. >> reporter: the gop front-runner says he'll be ready with more choice words for the bushes in the coming day es. >> now he's bringing in his brother. i won't say anything. i'm going to save that for after his brother makes a statement, because there's plenty to say about what happened. >> reporter: and the bush campaign is making a big play for south carolina. in many ways raising the bar on how well he'll do there. campaign officials say it's his best early state and he has the strongest organization there. when i asked if all of this means bush will beat trump and ted cruz, aides tell me the goal is to do best among "the electable candidates." that does not include trump or
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cruz. >> thank you. talk more with the professor, a historian at princeton and author of the book "the fierce urgency of now." thank you very much for being with me. a new article coming out tomorrow on exactly this. the shadows cast. >> on the campaign trail. >> there you go. talk about this. jeb bush started this campaign with a very clear message that i am jeb. i am different. his logo doesn't even say bush. right? he said, i am my own man. now this week you have bush 43 coming on the trail with him. makes sense in south carolina. they voted for him in the past primary there. they like him still. he's very popular there. is it too late? or does this give him a significant boost? >> i think it's both too late and very risky. so this comes very late in the campaign, perceptions have hardened on jeb bush and unclear popularity of w. in that state is going to rub off on his brother, and it's also risky, because after this primary, george w. bush is not so popular, and this is going to
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bring back all the memories of iraq, of the administration. even the florida vote in 2000 that could become a problem as jeb bush tries to revitalize himself. >> not a calculus you would have made? >> it's a calculus for someone desperate at this point. i understand it but it comes with costs. >> talk about donald trump. he's been mocking jeb bush for getting his family involved. tweeted wb jeb bringing his mother on the trail last week in new hampshire and what he tweeted this week. jeb failed as jeb. gave up and enlisted mommy and his brother who got us into the quick sand of iraq, spent $120 million. weak, no chance. do you think it makes him look weak? >> well, it does, only in that he hasn't done this until now. he's gone to such lengths not even to use his last name on the placards, that it looks like its desperate. it's not weak to bring in your family. especially if your family is of great prominence but opens you
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to that kind of attack at this point in the campaign. >> when the word election, established equalled -- >> a reminder of the dynasty. how much you're a part of that city. plays in the cruz, trump narrative publicly. >> and speaking on the trail, one of the sec super tuesday states. and hillary clinton spoke last night in st. paul, minnesota. let's listen to that. >> i was very honored after running a hard campaign against then senator obama to be asked to serve as his secretary of state. and i had a front-row seat in watching him do what needed to be done and responding to the financial crisis. i don't think he gets the credit he deserves, for saving our
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economy from the horrible ditch that the republicans drove us into in 2008. >> so you see her really ug haddihad i hugging president obama and the recovery from the recession but bill clinton is out there stumping for him, very popular former president. you've written about this. look at his economic record, yes a boom in the '90s because of some of this economic policies. that's also the time when the divide between the rich and poor started to grow significantly. some of these economic policies loosening regulations on the banks et cetera created more of that divide. does that resonate with voters? >> there's going to be a lot of democrats who this will bring up bad memories for. it will bring the problems of democratic politics in the 1990s when we moved too far to the center in their mind, and also bring the scandals back and bring fears about hillary clinton and what will come next. but i think she is making the calculation that he's a huge asset on the campaign trail.
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>> right. >> and that outweighs problems that he brings. >> we're looking at live pictures of former president bill clinton there in college park, georgia. kind of looking like people are responding to him like, a rock star, and, look. this is what happened to donald trump as well. he's not running for president. >> right. so, again, the question is, does his popularity in the state rub off, you know, on his wife's political success? you know, his approval ratings are strong with african-american voters, and there is a belief that that's going to be the key in the democratic primaries and sanders is struggling. >> it was tony morrison who famously called him, right? america's first black president? >> right. although on policy there's been a lot of debate whether the '90s, the crime bill, the inequality in some ways -- yes. >> and he has said, and hillary clinton has said, look, we looked back on that as having negative effects, certainly for african-americans. finally, e wrowroeb wrote about. americans like government much
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more than the pundits suspect. really? >> yeah. if you look at polls on specific issues, minimum wage, social security, medicare, again and again a lot of support for these programs. people don't like government in the abstract. and i think part of what sanders picks up on is there is more support than some democrats think and some republicans think. i believe in the electorate, and that's some of what's giving him some juice on the campaign trail. >> and the got ta ye25 years experience in congress to back that up. thanks very much. >> >> nowhere else to go to are your politics. julian, thank you so much. >> thank you, appreciate it. coming up next, hillary clinton supporters switching gears, pouring big money into bernie sanders, her opponent. the new expensive push to shore up minority voters in south carolina.
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soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calories or less. the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. all right. in a huge strategy shift,
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hillary clinton's main super pac right now is reallocating money in the general election push to focus on how to beat bernie sanders in south carolina. you might scratch your head and say, what? i thought she was ahead by a wide margin in south carolina? she is. a state where clinton is ahead of sanders by more than 30 points in the latest polling. still, though, this super pac called priorities is launching a $4.5 million effort to increase turnout among african-americans, women and latinos in south carolina. it is a big deal, because prior to this effort, the super pac was only focused on how clinton might win a general election. does this mean the clinton supporters have fresh fears about a sanders surge? talk it over with m.j. in greenville, carolina, where the debate is. the gop debate, i should say. tonight. how do you read this? is this a sign of chinks in clinton's armor or just being extra cautious? >> reporter: look, i think this
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is hillary clinton and her allies not wanting to take any chances heading into south carolina. you saw what happened in iowa and new hampshire. in iowa, clinton won, but barely won by razor-thin margins. in new hampshire, sanders blew her out, and i think that many people did not expect hillary clinton to have such a tough campaign, and a lot of people didn't expect bernie sanders to become such a cult phenomenon and a durable and popular candidate, and i think heading into south carolina, a state hillary clinton and her allies a long time views add her firewall don't want to take chances and want to make sure as they see sanders raising money, doing outreach to african-american voters here and really laying down the groundwork, they don't want to get beaten at a game they know she should be able to win. >> you have ben jealous ahead backing sanders. very influential voice in the african-american voice and the
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black caucus is backing hillary. i wonder do you think this new influx of cash for clinton from this super pac might backfire on her in south carolina? because sanders could use this and say, there again is her big money campaign, you know, the connections to wall street, et cetera, that he harps on. there it is again at play? >> reporter: yeah. clearly this has been a very pointed strategy coming from bernie sanders and his campaign. tying hillary clinton to wall street, saying that she comes from big money, and contrasting sanders against that and saying he doesn't have a super pac. he's not dependent on wealthy donors that work in the finance world. but, look, i think if you are a hillary clinton supporter, you're very well aware already that she has friends on wall street. she and her husband have raised a lot of money over the years from that industry. so i don't know if you're necessarily going to be turned off at this point in 2016, to suddenly learn that as she has friends in these arenas, bufr so
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think what sanders is trying to do, point out to people who are a little more skeptical about hillary clinton, and to sanders' own supporters who are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton, that she is sort of a d.c. insider. that she, you know, runs among these people that a lot of people are sort of tired of having such a big role in the political process. >> there is this new ad, ted cruz releasing a new ad morkad clinton in "office space". ♪ a famous politician plays her cards right got a crew for the fight on the air waves left dogs in the press keep their mouths tight ♪ because clinton doesn't have to explain why it is what they've done or with who ♪ clintons think they're entitled and you don't get to know what they do ♪ >> what difference does it make? >> an interesting ad to watch, but m.j., interesting in a few ways. first of all, it's cruz you're
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targeting a millennial audience. secondly, more importantly, cruz already going after clinton as if we were in a general election. >> yeah. i mean, to be clear, this ad, even though it features hillary clinton look alike it's not really about hillary clinton. it's about ted cruz. this is ted cruz looking ahead to the general election and saying to the republican base and republican voters, i am the most conservative candidate that is best able to take on hillary clinton come november. the field obviously on the gop side is still quite large. there are six candidates -- excuse me -- competing in tonight's debate. so ted cruz wants to set himself apart as the candidate who can best take on hillary clinton. >> all right. live there in greenville where the debate is tonight. the gop debate. thank you so much. coming up next, we'll take you live to mexico. pope francis, look at him there, on a trip to mexico city today.
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focusing, really, on drug cartels and the violence and havoc they have really spread throughout mexico and the people of that country. a live report with our shasta darlington, ahead. this is shaving. a blade. many blades. sharp blades. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not another blade. this is shielding. with lubrication here and here. the new gillette with proshield lubrication before and after the blades shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave. the new proshield from gillette. the best a man can get. and one proshield refill gets you up to one month of shaves.
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pope francis' first full day in mexico packed as you expect after a rousing welcome with full honors at the national palace. he went on to give a speech to
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the catholic clergy at the metropolitan cathedral and called mexico today a great country but a country with a history of "difficult moments." alluding to the ravages of the drug cartels and violence that permeated mexico. cnn international correspondent shasta darlington is live for us traveling with the pope in mexico city and with me cnn nick wa lensia. reported on the violence and corruption in mexico. shasta, to you first. i know the pope made a number of addresses today. this is not the end of his trip. traveling stou ining south, to to the border with the united states. what struck you most about what he said today? >> reporter: well, poppy, we've heard him mention on a couple occasions already, this is his first day, some of the key issues he vowed he wouldn't brush under the carpet. we're talking about problems of corruption. of inequality. drug trafficking. of course, violence here in
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mexico and heard him mention it during a speech in front of the president of mexico, where he said, a society that benefits a few paves the way for drug trafficking and violence and then he also spoke to, to the bishops, and he said, you also have a role to play in this. he said, you need to be doing something to make, to fight this drug trafficking and make sure that parish priests aren't on the front line of these wars and getting injured. listen to what he said. >> translator: i urge you not to underestimate the moral and antisocial challenge, which the drug trade represents for mexican's society as a whole, including the church. >> reporter: and it's this kind of a plain talk that really appeals to mexicans. we've talked to many parishioners like the people gathered behind me here waiting
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for pope francis to drive by on his way to mass, and what they say is, they're here for their faith. this is the second biggest catholic country in latin america, but they're also here, because they're holding out some kind of hope he were turn the tables. that he can help hold them accountable and maybe bring about change, poppy? >> shasta stay with me. bringing in, wrote a fascinating piece in 2010, profiling a priest. a priest so afraid of the violence and the drug cartels and being targeted in mexico. what stands out to you most about this pope's visit, given that context? >> reporter: almost as if the untouchable aura of priests in this country, the world's second biggest catholic country in the world, that untouchable aura of the clerics and priests was no longer during the height of the
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drug violence. cartel members, most catholic, very guilty, as many catholics are, guilty of the crimes committed. they would go to confessionals, admit details of these massacres or killings to the priests. cartels in that country that didn't want those facts repeated or remembered. you had priests that were extorted or threatened. there are 15,000 priests in mexico. 1,000 of which threatened directly or indirectly and almost as if there was no sort of -- no sort of rule of law. shasta touched on the problems and issues in the country of mexico. you have the femmesides, vile against women. the jur additional system, 90% go unprosecuted. tremendous issues you have conversation with local and federal police officers and poppy they tell you in -- [ speaking in foreign language ] in mexico anythingpossible with the right an of money.
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and that continues to be the case even while the pope is in the country. >> how does that play into the places that the pope is visiting on this trip? >> reporter: you see probably the most xroextraordinary place going to and i spent time there in the past. when there i saw children playing a game of cops and robbers. poppy, in this game, the robbers weren't the bad guys. it was the police officers that were the bad guys. bishops targeted. bishops that wrote an open letter to the cartels asking them to turn towards god. to be ashamed of what they were doing and you saw instead the cartels create their own put a trin saints. they prayed instead of to guadeloupe, instead praying to the saint of death, or to their patron saint or robin hood-type figure. organized or not, turned away from the catholic church and toward more nefarious idols if
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you will and issues of corruption and violence are long-standing and seems they are going to continue to go on. poppy? >> and shasta, to you. on certainly a lighter note but something revealing that we found out on the papal plane, what the pope told our rosa flores. >> reporter: a stack of letters that children in chicago had written to the pope. she hand delivered them to him and in a touching moment he told her, he thanked her, said he would treasure them and he also let slip he is working on a children's book. not a surprise, given how much pope francis clearly lights up every time there are children in the room. every time he drives by them in his popemobile, he has to stop, kiss babies, hug the children. certainly a really touching moment, poppy. >> shasta, thank you very much. live for us in mexico city on the pope's visit.
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thank you so much as well. important context from you both. appreciate it. coming up next, switching gears in a major way. levity and internet does what it does. it feasts. >> and bernie sandwich dp dp br -- bernie sanders. >> dishing up bernie sandwiches right after the break. brace yourself... the first ever gsf is here. with a 467 horse power v8 engine... torque vectoring differential... and brembo brakes. it's the next expression of f performance, from lexus.
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i think when people hear about i think it's important for, everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. that is what i do this for.
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all right. if all the political talk this election season has you feeling hungry, how about a bernie sandwich, seriously? our jea our jeanne moos reports. >> bernie sander sgrsz h which makes a slip of the tongue by chris hayes all the more delicious. >> rahming against pharmaceutical companies alike and bernie sandwich, bernie sanders from the beginning. >> can i please have a second helping? next thing you know everyone was making bernie sandwiches. bernie and corn beef, bernie on toast, bernie between buns. holding a sandwich aloft, pulling one out of his pocket. #berniesandwiches unleash tweets like feel the heartburn and comments like bernie sandwiches, that's his mafia name.
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as for chris hayes he tweeted, in my defense, i was literally watching people being served dinner when i said bernie sandwiches. as if bernie sandwiches wasn't enough for one election night, another anchor put her foot in her mouth. though megyn kelly's blooper on fox news wasn't quite so mouth-watering. >> the democratic side bernie sandals, sanders, sandals, that could catch on in the summer months. >> reporter: it's already caught on. >> bernie sandals. >> reporter: the bernie sandwich likewise already exists. food and wine magazine created sandwiches to represent various candidates. hillary's was a subway sandwich. >> a little bit of everything and anything anyone could ever want on it. it will agree to put under that bread. >> reporter: whale bernie's was a vietnamese sandwich, spicy and obscure. >> your hipster friends are going to tell you about it. >> reporter: even chelsea clinton once misspoke while bringing up bernie. >> the president sanders -- excuse me, senator sander, i
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hope not president sanders. >> reporter: how about president bernie sandwiches? >> sandwich, sandwich, sandwich. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> making me hungry. i'll take any of those sandwiches. coming up, how much do you really know about presidential politics? next, a sneak peek of the brand new cnn quiz show" race for the white house al qaeda editi white house edition. i swear i saw it swallow seven people. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. [dog bark] trust me, we're dealing with a higher intelligence here. ♪ the all-new audi q7 is here. ♪
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12:58 pm
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head and shoulders. live flake free for life well, this presidents day three teams of cnn anchors and analysts are going head to head to test their knowledge of all things presidential. here's a sneak a peek at the latest edition of the cnn quiz show" race for the white house." ♪ >> three teams face-off against each other answering trivia questions about everything from debates to running mates. >> what have you got for us, anderson? >> it's going to be hard. >> it's right! >> c. >> we will take your pity if it comes with points. >> exactly. >> man. >> come on! >> jake, that is incorrect. >> come on, man. >> oh, my god. >> jake, that is correct. >> wow.
1:00 pm
wow. wow. >> i thought that was going to be tough. i got to say. >> so who will win? tune in monday 9:00 p.m. eastern for the "cnn quiz show, race for the white house edition." it is only right here on cnn. top of the hour. 4:00 p.m. eastern. i'm poppy hallow in new york. we begin with four words that could have huge implications politically, new cold war. words from russia's prime minister today calling out nato while speaking at the munich conference. he described with words that were once used to define a generation. >> translator: policy with russia remains unfriendly and one could go as far as to say that we have went back to a new cold war. >> cnn global affairs


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